The School for the Deaf

The Deaf represent a largely unreached people group all across the world, especially in the developing world. Isaiah 55 started a school for the Deaf, Instituto Isaías 55, in 2006 to introduce children to language, Mexican Sign Language (LSM), through which they are able to learn Spanish and receive an education based on a Christian Worldview. Weekly the school also provides sign language classes to the students’ families and community members, including government officials. This has created an environment whereby deaf students are able to integrate into their families and society.


The Vocational School

An integral part of the ministry to the Deaf is providing them with marketable skills that allow them to be productive adults. To that end, Isaiah 55 started the vocational school, Centro de Oficios Serdán, where Deaf teens and adults can learn welding, sewing, and carpentry. The program has also opened its doors to hearing adults from the surrounding neighborhood of Aquiles Serdán. Several small-scale manufacturing projects have also been completed by hearing and deaf participants in the vocational programs.


The Community Center

In Aquiles Serdán, the neighborhood immediately surrounding the mission, Isaiah 55 is working to develop a community centered on the worship of Jesus and equipped to provide for their families with honorable work. This neighborhood has long been the home of prostitution and drug trafficking. The community center is a safe and welcoming space where kids come to learn to read, do homework, study art and the use of computers, play sports and meet Jesus through Bible teaching and the love offered by the Christian volunteers. Annually Isaiah 55 hosts VBS and other festivals and parties open to the kids and their families.